ESET Mobile Security protects your smartphone through: an advanced scanning engine, firewall, anti-spam and anti-theft protection, all this without slowing down your smartphone.
ESET Mobile Security- Benefits:
Protection against malware - through an efficient scanning of all your smartphone content (files, folders, SD memory cards).Blocks unwanted messages - so you can decide from whom to receive messages (SMS / MMS) using a predefined blacklist, or you can choose to don't receive messages from strangers.
Stops undesired calls - stopping both received calls and outgoing calls (this is useful for parents who want a limitation of their children's actions).
You are aware of your smartphone's status - so, information like: free disk space, battery life, running processes, bluetooth and device visibility, are always available.
Provides an effective anti-theft defense through:
- SIM Matching – so, if someone introduces another SIM card in your mobile you will be notified via a message (which contains the new phone number) on a different telephone, or it will be announced a trustful person previously established by you;
- Remote Lock - to shut out access to your mobile's data, from distance in case of theft or an untraceable phone;
- GPS Localization - tracks down where is your missing (lifted or misplaced) phone (available only for Android OS);
- Remote Wipe - you can delete all data from your smartphone from distance through a simple SMS.
ESET Mobile Security - Key Features:
Protection from ThreatsCall Intercept
SMS/MMS Antispam
Security Audit
Anti-Theft System
Is a trial software (is limited to 30 days of use), but you can, also buy a license.System Requirements
– Android 2.0 (minimum)
– Symbian S60 3rd Edition
Feature Pack 1 or 2 for Nokia only:
– Symbian S60 5th Edition
– Symbian 3
– Windows Mobile 5.0, 6.0, 6.1 and 6.5
Free Memory: 1 MB
* Minimum System requirements for Android devices:
Screen: Touch screen 320x480px
Processor: 600Mhz
RAM: 128MB
Internal memory: 5MB
SD card is required
Download ESET Mobile Security
Download(you will download a pack that contains 3 versions: ESET Mobile Security for Android 2.x, ESET Mobile Security for Windows Mobile and ESET Mobile Security for Symbian)